Visiting Yacht Services
In addition to being the home of Canada’s East Coast Navy, Halifax and Dartmouth supply the needs of the offshore oil and gas industry as well as the Atlantic fishing fleet.-
Our key relationships with all marine trades, coupled with our database of industrial expertise, will be of assurance to the Captain and Chief Engineer concerned with the professional operation of the yacht.
Our Services
- Airplane / Helicopter charters
- Chandlery Services
- Concierge Service – For any event in Atlantic Canada (golf, theatre, cultural events)
- Customs and Excise clearance
- Diesel Engine servicing
- Deliveries
- Diving Services
- Dockside Service for all of your needs
- Fuel Service (Diesel)
- Limousine Service
- Local Knowledge – We know Atlantic Canada
- Marina Reservations – local and regional
- Pilotage Services
- Provisioning
- Trip Planning
Some of the Yachts that we have served since 2003:
Since it’s beginning in August 2003 Premier Marine Services has had the pleasure of working with some of the most beautiful yachts from around the world.
- Adix
- Aerie
- Alexa
- Alexa C2
- Altair
- Alumercia
- Angel Wings
- Anicca
- Antares
- Archimedes
- Argyll
- Asgard
- Atlantide
- Aurora
- Believe
- Beothuk
- Bequia
- Blue Ice
- Boundless
- Bossy Boots
- Calixe
- Cajun Dancer
- Camelot
- Cariad
- Charade
- Coconut
- Cocktails
- Condalora
- Crescent Moon
- CV-9
- S/Y Destination Fox Harbr
- M/Y Destination Fox Harbr’ Too
- Detente
- Dione Sky
- Dione Star
- Dorothy Ann
- Dragon
- Emelina
- Endless Love
- Evelyn
- Far Niente
- Fidelis
- Floridian
- Fortrus
- Freedom
- Frozen Assets
- Grace
- Grand Finale
- Grazianna
- Harmony
- Indefensible
- Indigo
- Infinity
- Inspiration
- Invader
- It’s A Wonderful Life
- Jamaica Bay
- Kaori
- Katrion
- Kelly Sea
- Kiss The Sky
- Lady A
- Lady B
- Lady Janet
- Lady Lauren
- Lady Sandals
- Lagniappe
- Laurel
- Lettamelina
- Linda Lou
- Lone Ranger
- Louise
- Lunar Sea
- Magic
- Magic Time
- Majestic
- Marama
- Marion Queen
- Matokaoma
- Maverick
- Mea Culpa
- Meteor
- Miss Conduct VI
- Miss Michelle
- Michaela Rose
- Mondango 3
- Motivation
- Mystic
- Mystere
- M/Y Bouchon
- M/Y Cary Ali
- M/Y Casino Royale
- M/Y Days Like This
- M/Y Far Niente
- M/Y Freedom
- M/Y Mary A
- M/Y Nimbus
- M/Y Omni Sea
- M/Y Qing
- M/Y Sol Pursuit
- M/Y Sunquest
- M/Y Time For Us
- M/Y Top Five
- M/Y Untethered
- Nashira II
- Northern Lights
- Northland
- Olga
- P2
- Perseus
- Paoiyle
- Palma
- Passion for Elegance
- Palawan
- Paradigm
- Perseverance II
- Playpen
- Prediction
- Pumula
- Rebecca
- Reel Deal
- Resolute
- Relentless
- Rena
- Rochade
- Sassy
- Scheherazade
- Scott Free
- Sea Bear II
- Sea Legend
- Sea Owl
- Sea Quest
- Seaquest
- Selene
- Seljm
- Serendipity II
- Seven Js
- Sis W
- Silver Shahs
- Silverheels II
- Solaia
- Sovereign
- Southern Belle
- Star 7
- Summerwinds
- Sunquest
- Sweet Sarah
- Steadfast
- Sunrise
- S/Y Acadia
- S/Y Action
- S/Y Infinity
- S/Y Kamaxitha
- S/Y Koo
- S/Y Ngoni
- Tazamus
- Tenacious
- Time For Us II
- Thunder
- To Kalon
- Top Five
- Triton
- Tumblehome
- Unity
- Vango
- Valkyrie
- VF-15
- YIA Sou
- Virago